

On May 7-8, Dragon Geosciences had the honor of participating in the "2024 Annual Geological and Geophysical Conference," hosted at the NDHU College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography in Hualien. This prestigious event provided a valuable platform for professional interaction with esteemed academics and offered career exploration opportunities for postgraduate students specializing in geology and geophysics. The conference, themed "Change and Sustainability - Earth Sciences and Sustainability," featured keynote forums, academic seminars, and a student poster competition, attracting significant interest from both academic staff and students.

As a major academic gathering in the field, this year's conference drew numerous professionals and students from various institutions. The event's theme underscored the critical role of earth sciences in promoting sustainability. Dragon Geosciences, recognized for its expertise in marine geological surveying, garnered significant interest from both academic staff and participating students.



Our booth attracted considerable attention, with professors expressing a keen interest in our specialized domain. Additionally, graduate students were highly engaged, seeking insights into their prospective career paths. Dragon Geosciences is committed to sharing the vast opportunities within the marine surveying industry and is actively considering industry-academia collaborations, internships, and other initiatives. These efforts aim to provide students in related fields with enhanced employment prospects.

We look forward to fostering these collaborations and supporting the development of future geoscience professionals. Stay tuned for further updates on our initiatives and partnerships.