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Polaris Australis
- Offshore Drilling
- In Situ Soil Testing and Sampling
- Geophysical Wireline Logging
- Offshore Soil Laboratory Testing
- Shallow Geotechnical Surveys
- ROV Operations
- Salvage Operations

Polaris I
Polaris I
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Geophysical Survey
- Pipeline Inspection Survey
- Shallow Geotechnical Surveys
- UXO Survey
- Search and Rescue Missions
- ROV Operations
- Salvage Operations

Polaris II
Polaris II
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Geophysical Survey
- Pipeline Inspection Survey
- Shallow Geotechnical Surveys
- UXO Survey
- Search and Rescue Missions
- ROV Operations
- Salvage Operations

Polaris III
Polaris III
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Geophysical Survey
- Pipeline Inspection Survey
- Shallow Geotechnical Surveys
- UXO Survey
- Search and Rescue Missions
- ROV Operations
- Salvage Operations

Dragon Prince III
Dragon Prince III
- Nearshore Hydrographic Surveys
- Nearshore Geophysical Survey
